Northeast Georgia Writers Club (aka“NEGA Writers”)
Purpose of Club:
Established in 1973, this organization was created as a fellowship for writers, both published and unpublished who share a passion for the written word. It is the Club’s intent to provide the opportunity for members to develop their writing skills within a supportive environment and create a community outreach in the hope of inspiring others to join, write and share their stories.
At most meetings there is an author, publisher, illustrator, or editor who addresses the group. The club sponsors an annual manuscript contest.
Who’s the Club for?
This group is open to the public and welcomes people of all genres and skill levels who consider themselves “writing enthusiasts.”
Meeting Schedule
NEGA Writers meets the first Wednesday of the month in Gainesville from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM from September through June, pausing for a break in July and August. Most meetings are held at the Downtown Gainesville Public Library.
NEGA Writers Contact
For more information or to be informed of future meetings and events:
Additional Information
NEGAW is a non-profit 501c3 organization that collaborates and cooperates with The Northeast Georgia Literary Society.
Annual dues for the NEGA Writers’ Club are $30.